
Hi! Thanks for making it this far. A little more about myself…

I graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts with a BFA in acting and spent twelve years in New York pursuing acting and developing my food knowledge. A detour to my hometown of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina opened possibilities that led me to becoming a restaurateur and playwright.

While in New Orleans, I owned a highly regarded neighborhood café called Il Posto. I continued to pursue acting by working with local theatres like the New Orleans Shakespeare Festival, Southern Rep, & Cripple Creek. I also developed a love of playwriting. As one of the original members of Southern Rep’s 6x6 play slam, I have over a dozen ten-minute plays in my portfolio and saw full productions of two of my one-acts.

In August of 2017, my then fiancé-now-husband and I moved with our three cats to Jersey City, where we live now. I built a small home recording studio and have been enjoying working in the world of voice over.

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